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More Information Can Be Found On Most Ministries By Clicking The Pictures Below

Grace Restorations

Overcome: Healing from Life's Griefs
Mondays @ 6:00 pm

Celebrate Restoration
Meal 5:30 pm
Groups 6:00 pm

Grace Teens

Mondays @ 6:30 pm

Men's Ministry

Grace Kids

AWANA Wednesday Nights
@7:00 pm &

Children's Church Sundays @9:00 and 11:00 am

GCC Kids is thriving! We believe an early foundation of faith is important to the development of a successful life. We have an energetic staff that loves children, and they take their responsibility to teach your children about Christ's love seriously.  AWANA meets during the school season. 

Kids Outdoor Zone

3rd Saturday of every month

KOZ is an outdoor ministry, for boys 8-18, that provides boys with Godly men as role models and mentors, using hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventures as tools. We meet the 3rd Saturday of every month, lunch and drinks are provided. For questions or more info,

contact Joe Horner.

Being a teenager in today's world can be difficult. That is why we believe in keeping our youth active in Bible studies, activities, conferences, etc. Our teens meet every Monday night for their own service followed by an fun activity that is designed to help them get to know each other.

Our Men's Group meets once a month for community service and fellowship. There, they are encouraged to be the man of God that they were designed to be, to lead by example, and to be a husband and father that sets the tone of godliness in their homes. Email for more information.

Food & Resource Center

@ Grace Community Church

We are here to help anyone with needs in our community. If you or someone you know needs assistance please  contact the church at (865) 312-2335.


Reaching Out In A Broken World

Grace College Minsitry

Mondays @ 6:30pm

Calling all young

 adults 18-25!

We meet every Monday night at 6:30pm for a time of fellowship, worship, and devotion to grow together. 

Whether it is financially supporting missions, helping with disaster relief, or sending missions teams into other countries, we believe that it is our privilege to ensure that the Good News of Jesus is shared throughout the world.

Women's Ministry

  Life/Small Groups

Dinner @ 6:00 pm
Life/Small Groups @ 7:00 pm

Our Women's Group meets once a month for Bible Study and fellowship. They are actively involved in community missions projects throughout Jefferson County. If you are looking for a way to get connected with other like-minded women, this is a great place to start. Email for more information.

We offer a variety of small groups for all ages every Wednesday evening. We believe that small groups are important to your spiritual walk. They provide support, encouragement, and personalized Bible studies designed to help you grow.

Information can be found by clicking on most pictures

Our team here provides a safe, loving space for those who are struggling to find the healing that only the love of Jesus can produce. There is never any judgement, but there is always an abundance of love.

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